A Follow Up To Today’s Post…

I woke up at around 2:30 this morning with a few more thoughts about vision and discipline that I cannot shake and wanted to…

You’ve Got Vision…Big Deal!

Last week I tweeted (that is now a verb) three leadership thoughts that got quite a response…so much so that I wanted to follow up…

10 Random Leadership Thoughts!

#1 - We need your help in recording the next Perry Noble leadership podcast!  (The June episode, “The Importance of Anticipation and…

Eleven People We Need To Beware Of - Part Two

#6 – The “Guilt Trip Guide” – This is the person who always tries to make you feel horrible that you are not as…

Eleven People We Need To Beware Of - Part One

#1 – The Butt Kisser – this is the person that will allow "the emperor to have no clothes.”  They think EVERYTHING…

Two Quick Leadership Thoughts…

#1 - Email/Texting DOES NOT WORK If You Want To Communicate Something Important! It is incredibly easy to be misunderstood when…

10 Hard Questions

Too many times we believe that being busy is equal to being godly…when the Bible says quite the opposite. Psalm 46:10 SLAYS me every…

Micromanagement Is WAY Underrated - Part Two

There are basically two problems when it comes to the micromanagement word… First…leaders are sometimes LAZY.  There are times when the…

Micromanagement Is WAY Underrated - Part One

Micromanagement is the accusation that no leader wants to hear, especially when it has become so popular by leadership theorists to empower…

Oops…Our Bad!  :-)

So…we put the new leadership podcast up yesterday and our intention was to use an audio clip from one of our all staff meetings to…

New Leadership Podcast Is Up…

We just put our monthly leadership podcast on itunes (you can find it under, “Perry Noble leadership podcast.”) This month we…

Coaching Network Update…

We’re still taking applications for our fall coaching network.  (I posted here last week in regards to the dates and contact…