
Micromanagement Is WAY Underrated - Part Two

Jun 2, 2010

There are basically two problems when it comes to the micromanagement word…

First…leaders are sometimes LAZY.  There are times when the Holy Spirit presses down on them to ask questions…to dive deeper into a particular area of ministry, or maybe even have a tough conversation with someone.  BUT…doing so MIGHT call for extra work to be done…for corrections to be made…for changes to take place, and so instead of embracing the call God has put on his life to lead the leader embraces laziness because they want to do what is easy rather than what is right.

Leaders…we’ve GOT to listen to the Holy Spirit…and when He presses down on us to press down on something we’ve got to do it…no matter how uncomfortable it is.

The second is fear…once a leader gets accused of being a micromanager it is like the scarlet letter…it just won’t go away.  Leaders…you can’t fear what people say and allow their terminology to dictate your calling and ministry.

NOW…here’s a GREAT test to see if you may be a micromanager…if EVERYONE on your staff feels like you are constantly breathing down their neck and wanting to know every detail of every decision that is being made…then you obviously have control issues that WILL damage your ministry and cause some great leaders to leave your side to serve somewhere else.

BUT…if there is just one or two people who accuse you of this it is most likely because they most likely have a problem with being held accountable and use the accusation of “micromanagement” as an excuse to hide behind their ineffectiveness.

Someone who loves the church and loves you will not get mad when you occasionally ask some really tough, specific questions about a particular issue; in fact, they will embrace it because they know that having “that” conversation will clarify the vision and will also prove that you actually care about them and their work.

A leaders we can’t know everything about everything…but we should know something about what God presses into us.  Don’t run from your responsibility because of fear of a lame accusation OR more work…

BUT also don’t use this post as an excuse to legislate the vision down to your personal preferences.

When God calls you to lead from 30,000 feet…do it.  AND when He calls you to dive into the details…do it.  He will do both…and we can’t go wrong by listening to Him and then doing what He says.