Four Signs That You’re Working With A Leader

#1 - They come to you with problems…AND the solutions as to how to solve them. Any fool can see a problem…but it takes a…

Coaching Network for the Fall of 2010

Rick Warren has said so many times that pastors are the most underrated change agents in the world. As I approach the eleven year mark on…

Ten Random Leadership Thoughts…

#1 - Throwing money at a problem doesn’t always fix it; in fact, it may actually just cause it to be a more expensive problem! #2 -…

It’s Hard To Lead When…

#1 - You think you are better than the people you are leading.  (No one loves an environment where they are constantly looked down…

Ten Signs A Leader Is “Losing It!”

I’ve been reading through the OT lately and have been challenged by the downward leadership spiral that Saul went on…here are…

February Leadership Podcast

So…the leadership podcast for February is up on itunes (you can find it under, “The Perry Noble Leadership…

New Leadership Podcast

So…we started a leadership podcast.  (Yes, as a matter of fact I am trying to be like Andy Stanley…except for the fact that he…

Four Reasons Why Leaders Stop Leading

#1 - Fear - being a leader does not mean that we will never be in situations that make us shake in our shoes; in fact, it means quite the…


Charisse has gotten to where she will repeat everything I say!!! Seriously…if I say something she thinks is funny…she repeats…

Coaching Network Openings

This past April I blogged about a coaching network that I was starting here at NewSpring…and was overwhelmed with the response.  We…

Want A Second Chance?

Ever wish you could go back and do it all over again? Ever wish you could undo what you did? Ever wish God would bless you with a giant…

Seeing HIM Makes It Clearer!!!

One of my frustrations in church world has always been that leaders seem to always be seeking a plan rather than a person. We want to know…