
Eleven People We Need To Beware Of - Part One

Jun 15, 2010

#1 – The Butt Kisser – this is the person that will allow "the emperor to have no clothes.”  They think EVERYTHING you say is a “great idea, boss” and NEVER push back.  (This person will kiss your butt until they have the opportunity to do it for someone who they feel is more important than you…then they will take their lips elsewhere!)

#2 – The Philosophical Expert – this is the person who has an “innovative philosophy” that will change the game…but has been unwilling to attempt it.  Rather than actually do what they propose they usually write a book about it and challenge others to do it.  (Such as…the dude who writes a book on how to plant a church but has never actually planted a church!)

#3 – The “Devil’s Advocate” – I’ve said it before, I will say it again…the devil doesn’t need a freakin’ advocate…and no one on your team should feel the need to work for him!  If there is someone that ALWAYS finds a dark cloud on every bright day…beware.  Becoming preoccupied with the pessimist will always drain your passion!

#4 – The Over Promiser – There are really great people in this world who just can’t say no…so they will over promise, not because they are evil but because they often feel guilty when they say no.  If you see someone promising everyone they will do everything then I can promise that the quality of that work will probably amount to nothing…OR…they will do a great job and burn out in ministry.

#5 – The “People’s Advocate” – When the person approaches you and says, “Hey man, A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE SAYING…”  BEWARE!  Because…in reality a lot of people are probably NOT saying anything…he and two or three of his friends are!  If a person isn’t willing to give specifics they should simply be ignored.