I woke up at around 2:30 this morning with a few more thoughts about vision and discipline that I cannot shake and wanted to share…
Like I said earlier today…having a GREAT vision is only a fraction of accomplishing great things, we also need the discipline to make the vision become a reality…
Here’s how that breaks down practically for all of us…
We can have the VISION to lose weight and be healthy…but until we get the discipline to move our rear ends off of the couch and onto the treadmill…that vision just isn’t going to become a reality!
We have have the VISION to really know God and know His Word…but until we get the discipline to actually open His Word and read it for extended periods of time instead of channel surfing (or tweeting or facebooking)...that vision just isn’t going to become a reality.
We can have the VISION to have a really great marriage…but until we get the discipline (and wisdom) to understand that marriage is not our opportunity to be served but rather to serve - it’s not our opportunity to shape another person but rather an opportunity to be shaped by God by serving another person…then the vision of a great marriage isn’t going to become a reality.
We can have the vision (as a single dude) to want to find a wife and have a great marriage…but until we get the discipline to get out of bed before 11am, get a job, make some money and get out of debt so that your home and car are not the same thing and pursue JESUS with EVERYTHING…then the vision of finding a Proverbs 31 woman probably just isn’t going to happen.
We can have the vision to have a great ministry that accomplishes great things for God’s Kingdom…but until we get the discipline to STRIVE to hear HIS voice, to read as much as we can, to pray harder than ever before and to seek wisdom from people, even the ones we may disagree with…then our vision will always be a “prayer request” and never a reality. (It’s amazing the number of people I meet who have been praying about doing something for five years or more…and they claim they are “waiting on God.” Uh…God made an undeniable move 2,000 years ago with JESUS on the cross…odds are He’s actually WAITING ON YOU—STEP UP!)
Huge vision means extreme discipline! This concept is ROCKING my world right now and directly challenging me to change/alter many of the things I am currently involved in.
Just some more thoughts to chew on…