
Are You Frustrated With The Financial Situation In Your Church?

I've worked in church world for over two decades and know one of the major problems all of us wrestle with as a church leader is…

Five Lessons I’m Learning As A Church Planter

In the fall of 1999 I planted a church... ...and here I am almost 20 years later doing it again.   I learned a lot with my first…

A FREE Resource To Help Increase Giving In Your Church

You probably didn't wake up today wishing your church had less money to do ministry. At the same time, you're probably scratching…

A Quick Note About An Addict…

I must choose my words carefully because; after all, much pain and confusion have been caused by those who struggle with…

Dinner With A Democrat?!?!?!

A couple of confessions right out of the gate:   I used to hate (I mean REALLY hate) Democrats!   And... I voted for Donald…

Would You Like A !0 Day Devotional Guide?

If so then go here, click on the "Free 10 Day Devotional Tab" in the upper right hand corner next to the orange "buy now" button and…

“I Want To Kill Myself”

Those were the words said to me by a person who has asked I not use their name - but has agreed to let me share their story.   I…

This Is For The Outcast…

This is for the outcast... ...for the person who feels as if they want to give up... ...who, when by yourself you have cried so many…

So I Cuss A Little…

Let me begin by saying that well over 90% of the comments I receive on social media are overwhelmingly positive.   However, a few…

Why, “I’m Praying For You” OFTEN Comes Across As, “You Suck!”

(WARNING:  This article is RAW, it is not "cleaned up" or "sanitized" to appease as many people as possible - if you get offended…

The First Time I Was Molested…

I can remember it like it was yesterday... ...where I was... ...what he said to "lure" me in... ...and how I felt when it was happening.…

Four Benefits Of Attending A Private Workshop

For years I have attended conferences, read books and listened to podcasts (which are all AWESOME for personal growth and…