Dinner With A Democrat?!?!?!

Jan 30, 2018

A couple of confessions right out of the gate:  

I used to hate (I mean REALLY hate) Democrats!  


I voted for Donald Trump.  

Now that I have most likely offended an overwhelming amount of people - let's move forward with the article.  

Like many Republicans, I used to binge on talk radio, allowing Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh to fill my head with hatred towards anyone who did not fall in line with a Republican agenda.  

Because of their influence I literally thought all Democrats were evil people who secretly wanted Karl Marx to be resurrected so he could lead our country...

...until several years ago I actually had dinner with a Democrat.  

I didn't really say anything to any of my friends; after all, if they found out I could have been accused of being a (GULP) "liberal!"  

As we made small talk the first divisive issue came up - health care!  

Let me pause and say I had been taught that all Democrats wanted to pretty much give everyone in the country free health care and that the rich people should pay for it.  

However, instead of asking my Democrat Dude "what" he thought about health care, I stepped into the discussion with a more thoughtful question - "why is healthcare so important to you?"  

What ABSOLUTELY shocked me was the reasons health care mattered so much to him were the same reasons it mattered so much to me!  We really did have the same goals in mind - it's just we didn't quite agree on how those goals should be reached.  

As we discussed the matter in more detail we disagreed on about 90% of what each other thought the solution was; however, instead of focusing on the 90% we could have fought over, we talked about the 10% we agreed on and actually had a very civil, informed conversation that didn't result in name calling and playing the blame game.  

So...we discussed another matter, and then another - and before the dinner was over we had talked about the military, immigration, taxes and global warming (aka - climate change!)  

Believe it or not we didn't fight one single time (which I didn't think was possible thanks to Sean & Rush!)  In fact, I learned a lot about what my friend described as the "Democratic agenda" by simply figuring out what we could agree on and building from there.  

Dang - I wish our country could do the same!  

What is REALLY sad is that, due to 24 hour news networks (with a heavy bias on either side) - the "other side" is presented as evil, stupid and insensitive - and are demonized without any discussion whatsoever.  

And, if you want to "tow the party line" (on either side) then you have to do your best to trash anyone on the other side.  

However, after watching, reading and listening to people on either side of the aisle - I would bet you $5 that having coffee with Kirsten Powers would be much more pleasant that with Sean or Rush!  (BTW - the story about her coming to Christ is AMAZING - check it out here!) 

Why would I say something like that?  It's quite simple - nearly every time I've seen any sort of interview with her she's thoughtful, respectful and considerate (which is way more than I can say for the other guys!)  And, even though I may disagree with her on some things, she doesn't come across as the type of person that would hate me because of it.

No matter what side of the political aisle you are on - I believe we would ALL benefit from having solution driven conversations with another rather than slander driven agendas about one another.  

There are some really brilliant, solution driven, incredible people who are Democrats!  (I know, something you would never probably think someone who has always voted Republican say!)  

In fact, many of my friends would identify as Democrats (who actually voted for Hillary!)  And - the last time I hung out with a couple of them--they picked up the check!   

Our country is in bad shape (in my opinion) and the more we give into the rhetoric TOLD to us about "the other side" without actually engaging them in a civil conversation - the further the divide is going to grow.  

So, if you are a Republican - set up a dinner with a Democrat!  And don't walk into the meeting with statements - but rather a sincere desire to learn why that person thinks the way they do.  

You might just wind up having respect for someone on the other side (and, they might pick up your check as well!)