Ten Signs You Are Becoming “Normal!”

Jesus wasn’t normal…He didn’t fit into the religious system of the day. Neither did Paul… Neither did ANYONE He…

A Quick Shout Out To Northpoint

I wanted to give a quick shout out to the singles at Northpoint, Buckhead and Browns Bridge Church... I had an absolute BLAST hanging out…

Changes A Growing Ministry Have Brought About In Me - Part Two

Continuing from yesterday’s post… #4 - I Have Become More Dependent On The People Whom God Has Surrounded Me With. When we…

Changes A Growing Ministry Has Brought About In Me - Part One

What The Church Growing Has Done To Me…Changes It Has Made In Me? Made me more aware of the cross and the grace that was given to me.…

Ten Things I Want NewSpring Church To Know

As I sit and think about what happened at our church yesterday I am in awe of the God that we serve…that He would allow our church to…

Why Some Churches Struggle With Money

Some churches are struggling in regards to finances…yet many are not, even in the recession that our country has recently went…

13 Things I Would Tell Church Planters

One of the most frequent questions I receive is, “If you could tell a church planter one thing, what would it be?” I’ve…

Dear NewSpring Family…

Howdy! As I said in last nights post I feel like the Lord is doing something amazing in our church right now…I have never witnessed…

Five Reasons Why People Quit The Ministry

Burnout - no rest.  What do you do for fun? Unrealistic Expectations - thought it was going to be easy, Jesus, place of the…

Funded And Free!

My friend Joe Sangl has a brand new book out…and…if you are a pastor/church leader then you need to get it right now!  Joe is…

A Final Thought On Evangelism From This Week

WOW…what an amazing week…over 5,000 people trained in how to share their faith. One final thought…in the seminar I spoke…

Early Bird Rate For NLC Extended

Just in case you haven’t heard…we’re having a leadership conference here at NewSpring Church on Thursday, September 16th.…