
Ten Things I Want NewSpring Church To Know

Aug 30, 2010

As I sit and think about what happened at our church yesterday I am in awe of the God that we serve…that He would allow our church to have such a small part in what He’s been doing for over 2,000 years…reconciling the world to Himself through Christ!  (See II Corinthians 5:17-21)

I wanted to say several things to each one of you…

#1 - Thank you to everyone who invited someone to church yesterday!  I am SO proud of you guys…every time we issue a challenge to invite people to a church service you guys step up and BLOW IT OUT OF THE WATER!  We saw over 500 salvations yesterday because so many of you were willing to step out of your comfort zones and bring someone to church.

#2 - Thank you to everyone who prayed for yesterday!  We must NEVER underestimate the importance of the power of prayer.  We’ve been praying for this date in particular since May (when I first shared the vision for this series with the staff) and yesterday we saw the result of what happens when God’s people BEG HIM to do something only HE can do.

#3 - Thank you to everyone who served in a volunteer role yesterday!  It wasn’t my preaching that “brought them in,” but rather it was all of us serving together, using the gifts and talents that He’s given us in the context of HIS local church, and, as a result, seeing peoples lives be eternally transformed.

#4 - This coming Sunday we will conclude the series with a message that REALLY focuses on how we can continue to walk with and grow in Christ once we surrender our lives to Him!  SO…if you brought someone with you yesterday then bring them back next week!!!

#5 - For those who invited someone to church and they did not receive Christ…DON’T GIVE UP ON THEM!  (The guy who invited me to church was SO persistant…and I am SO glad that he was!)  Keep asking God for opportunities and making yourself available to them.

#6 - If you are unsure as to how to share Christ with someone you can go here and watch the evangelism seminar we did several weeks back, OR you can go to the NewSpring Church podcast on itunes and download it for free!

#7 - For those wondering what we “did with those people” who received Christ yesterday…well…we simply believe that the same Holy Spirit who drew them to Himself in the first place is able to continue to do that same supernatural work in and around them.  So…what do we “do” for them?  WE DO CHURCH…and pray that as they continue to attend and hear HIS Word that they will continue to take their next steps of obedience as He leads them!

#8 - Let’s keep praying, keep inviting, keep sharing Christ and keep believing for GREATER THINGS!

#9 - God isn’t just doing this in our church…I’m hearing of things like this happening in SO many places…I honestly believe that our country is on the verge of another Great Awakening!

#10 - Cannot WAIT to begin our next series entitled, “The Blessed Life” on September 12 as we begin to explore how we can all live a life that is beyond our imagination!

BONUS - I LOVE MY CHURCH!  I love you guys…can’t believe we get to do this…praying Acts 2:42-47 over us and believing God for it!

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