11 Signs You May Be Experiencing Ministry Burnout!

#1 - You begin to despise the people you are called to love and minister to. #2 - You often allow your mind to drift towards what else you…

When God Says To Do It…Then Do It!

When God places a move on your heart as a leader…and it just won’t go away…you’ve got to go for it! Yesterday here…

Pastors and Sexual Sin

Dear Pastor, Sexual temptation IS going to HIT you…there’s nothing you can really do about it except deciding NOW to MAKE WAR…

Quick Thought

I read Psalm 46:10 the other morning and it SLAYED me as I thought, “MAYBE the reason so many people (including myself) really…

10 Things Jesus Did Not Say!

Jesus made it pretty clear in John 13:34-35 as to how the world would know we are His disciples…notice He did NOT say, “They…

Pain—Part Three

My last thought for this week on the subject of pain… #3 - Pain Can Be God Testing Us Everyone LOVES to talk about the blessings of…

Pain—Part Two

Often times people think of pain within Christianity as the “judgment of God” and falsely believe that if we are doing…

Pain—Part One

Well…I’m officially NOT training for a half-marathon anymore… Back in December I decided to try to do a marathon again…

A Call To Action

Deuteronomy 1:7-8 jumped out at me the other morning…as I had this thought… God has NEVER led anyone to the point of…

Giving It All

I’m reading through the book of Deuteronomy right now…and it is absolutely rocking my world… The other morning I stopped…

Modern Day Gladiators…Pastor, Be Encouraged!

I had this thought on Monday morning that I could not shake and so I wanted to share it… The Super Bowl was this past Sunday night…and it…

Three Questions For Pastors/Church Leaders - Part Three

#3 – How’s Your Spiritual Health—REALLY? We’re pastors, right?  And so most people expect that when we get up out of our beds that the…