Coaching Network

Rick Warren has said so many times that pastors are the most underrated change agents in the world. As I approach the ten year mark on…


God ROCKED my world this past February when I traveled to Kenya with a team of people from NewSpring Church to examine a possible…

The Gospel

Of all of the things in life that both amaze me and move me…there is nothing that does so like the Gospel… The fact that Jesus…

Four Leadership Myths That Aren’t Usually Talked About—Part Four

#4 – You Must Strive To Be Well Liked By Everyone.   Confession…I like it when people like me!  I think every leader does.  I have never…

Four Leadership Myths That Aren’t Usually Talked About—Part Two

#2 – You Should Always Say Nice Things Too many people believe that Jesus and Mr. Rogers are the same guy! They believe that church…


NewSpringers, take a second to read this…pray through it…and then take action. April 11th and 12th are our Easter services here at…

Four Leadership Myths That Aren’t Usually Talked About—Part One

In this series of posts I completely understand that I will really tick some people off…but I feel like some people will be set free. …

Terminology Or Transformation?

People ask me all of the time, “What kind of church is NewSpring?”  (Actually..some don’t ask…they assume to…

Four Things I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me…

Often times pastors/church planters ask me, “What do you wish someone would have told you before you began?”  Here are four…


A few thoughts before heading to bed… I really felt the conference overall was a tremendous success. THANK YOU to everyone to took…

Seven HUGE Myths In Church Planting - Part Two

#5 - Launching new ministries is a sign of success This myth KILLS momentum.  Churches naturally think that doing “more” is a…

A Few Pre-Unleash Thoughts

I’m sitting at my desk at home trying to wrap my mind around all that God is doing…and it is causing my head to hurt. I…