A Conversation…Not A Conference

Pastors…youth pastors…children’s pastors - mark you calendar for Thursday, August 13th and make plans to join us for…

One Prayer…God Is

Last year the Lord used Craig Groeschel to initiate something that had never been done in church world before…the idea of hundreds of…

Baptism This Saturday

OK…I am OUT OF MY MIND excited about our tailgating baptism THIS COMING SATURDAY (the 16th) at our Anderson, Greenville and Florence…

I Believe…

Here are a few things I believe… I believe the churches BEST DAYS are ahead of her…not behind her. I believe that God is…

Spirit Led Equals Supernatural

Why is it that the church in America seems to fear the supernatural? According to the Scriptures…the church OWNS the market when it…

Submission Equals Sacrifice

One of the things that I think disturbs me the most about Christians (including myself) is that we think that Christianity is about what we…

Four Wishes I Have For Church Leaders - Part Four

#4 – That We Will Be Encouraging To One Another!!! Confession (a NASTY ONE) – I used to HATE IT when I saw God blessing another persons…

Four Wishes I Have For Church Leaders - Part Three

#3 – That We Will Be Filled With Passion! Life is too short to screw around and play games! The church doesn’t need any more leaders who…

Four Wishes I Have For Church Leaders - Part Two

#2 – That We Will Be Faithful. Every time I read II Timothy 4:6-8 I cry as I think about the Apostle Paul sitting and waiting to die…and…

Four Wishes I Have For Church Leaders

#1 - That Everyone Of Us Will Experience Success In Our Ministry! I honestly believe that if someone has a calling of God on their lives…

Tony, NewSpring and Transition

I love Tony Morgan!  If you have read this blog for any length of time you know the incredible amount of respect that I have for…

This Weekend

So, NewSpringers…who are YOU bringing to church with you this weekend? People need Jesus! We are NOT called to be silent but rather…