I’m sitting at my desk at home trying to wrap my mind around all that God is doing…and it is causing my head to hurt.
I am…
SO THANKFUL that over 500 volunteers are going to be up at the butt crack of dawn to serve people from other churches.
SO AMAZED that around 3,000 church leaders from all across the country would descend upon Anderson, SC to hang out at NewSpring Church for a day. We are HONORED that you are here!
SO EXCITED about all that the staff and I are going to learn from people tomorrow. We are NOT the experts…just a bunch of former screw ups trying our best to keep our eyes on Jesus and do what He says!
SO ENCOURAGED by the emails and text messages I am receiving from my friends telling me they are praying for me. THANKS, it means more than you know!
SO SCARED that I am not going to sleep tonight!
OK…NOW I am going to TRY to go to bed!!!