Why Should I Trust God When My Life Is So Screwed Up?

May 28, 2015

Honest confession here... "Bible verse" person gets on my freaking nerves.  You know, the person who feels like they must quote Scripture every time there is an issue to be dealt with.  

Hold on Bible thumpers– I love Scripture, know it's necessary and believe it with my whole heart; however, sometimes people who are in the middle of a screwed up situation need more than a Bible verse and a 30 second prayer to get them back in the right frame of mind.  

Some of you reading this right now may be in the middle of the most screwed up marriage, relationship, career, etc. that you could have ever imagined.  And one of the things I know from personal experience is that it's the most difficult to trust God when it seems like everything is falling apart.  

So why should you trust God when your life seems to be so screwed up?  I can't wait to tell you this Sunday at NewSpring Church.  I really do believe Sunday will serve as a time of encouragement and hope for people who have not experienced those two things in a long time as we talk about really trusting God with everything.