Top 10 Blog Posts Of 2006

Nov 14, 2012

I've been writing on this website for seven years (dang...just felt a little older when I typed that sentence.)  I know that we've picked up lots of new readers over the past 18 months or so...and so I wanted to take a stroll down memory lane over the next several days and visit some of the most popular posts year by year on this we go with 2006...

#10 - So, Pastor, How's Your Wife?  -  I wrote this one because I began to notice an increasing number of pastors having an affair with the Bride of Christ and ignoring the bride that God gave them.  

#9 - Creating An Experience - Is it wrong to use creative elements in a worship service?  Does creativity compromise this Gospel?  Wrote about it six years ago...still feel the way I felt when I wrote it!  

#8 - After Yesterday Let's Keep It Light - This was a post that was on my site the day after the most popular post of the year.  

#7 - Seven Reasons Why Jesus Could Not Have Been A Pastor In Many Churches

#6 - Words Can't Come Close - I wrote this post after we saw 214 people receive Christ one weekend at NewSpring...this NEVER gets old!!!  

#5 - Don't Believe The Lie - You know, the one where we say "it is my life, what I do only impacts me and no one else!"  

#4 - Five Things A Single Dude NEEDS To Know - Relationship posts have always been popular

#3 - Sunday Night Reflections - I used to write a note to NewSpring every Sunday night on my website...and for some reason this one seemed to resonate with a lot of people.  

#2 - Hooters - "I go there for the wings..."  RIGHT!  

#1 - Masturbation - It's the subject that no one talks about...but nearly every time I was in a smaller setting with guys (and even at times in mixed groups) this subject would often be brought up.  It's the thing that nearly everyone deals with at some point but the church and church leaders refuse to talk about it because it's tense and a little embarrassing.  So...I wrote about it.