
Ten Questions I Am Wrestling With…

Mar 28, 2008

#1 - Is there anything in my life that I need to stop doing?

#2 - Is there anything in my life that I should start doing?

(By the way…the answer to #2 is YES…but in order for it to happen I REALLY need to wrestle with question #1!)

#3 - Should I twitter?

#4 - How can I be more efficient in the way I use my time?

#5 - How can I be a better husband?

#6 - How can I be a better father?

#7 - Will I ever attempt another marathon? (I am leaning towards a “no” on that one!)

#8 - Why, out of all the people on this planet, is God allowing me to be a part of what He is doing? Seriously, when I read II Samuel 7:18 this week I LOST IT! DANG…God has been so good to me!

#9 - How can we as a church continue to assist people in taking their next step with Christ?

#10 - Is it OK for me to admit that I believe Brad Cooper is an incredibly good looking guy? (I think I just did!)