
Prayer Requests

Jul 1, 2009

Quite often people will ask me how they can pray for me…which always encourages the heck out of me!  Today I wanted to share some things that you can be praying for if you feel led to do so.

#1 - My Walk With Christ!

I have never really struggled with having a quite time…I love to meet with Jesus every morning with a huge cup of coffee, a Bible and a pen.  However…the desire of my heart is NOT to meet with Him in the morning but rather to walk with Him all day long!  My prayer is that He will continually draw me closer to Himself.

#2 - My Relationship with ‘Cretia!

I desperately want to be a godly husband and not be the man I think she needs me to be…but to be the man Scripture commands me to be.  I am praying that I will continually become a better listener and also continue to become intuative in regards to who she needs me to be.

#3 - My Relationship with Charisse!

I have NO IDEA how to be a dad…but I am LOVING the learning process.  My prayer is that she will grow up loving Jesus, loving me & ‘Cretia and loving the church.

This past Sunday at our Anderson campus I let her watch people being baptized and I begged God for her salvation and for the privilege to one day baptize her!  I want to be the type of dad that she respects and admires…not despises because I was so busy with other people that I neglected who was supposed to be more important.

#4 - My Leadership

God has been BLOWING MY MIND lately with thoughts and ideas.  We are coming up on our 10 year anniversary here at NewSpring Church…and there is NO WAY that anyone would have ever predicted what has happened since we began with 15 people in a living room!

SO…if this is what He has done in the first ten years…and to whom much is given much is required…then what does He want out of us over the next 10 years.  That thought causes me to be PUMPED UP…and also to pee my pants!  I am BEGGING Jesus daily for His wisdom (James 1:5) and would appreciate it as well if you would ask the same for me.

#5 - My Book

Yes, I am writing a book…and it is a little frustrating.  I’ve got the best agent in the country (in my opinion), I have publishers who are interested, I have an outline that I believe the Lord has given me and I have a desire to write…

It’s just that I can’t get started for some reason!  I am trying like mad to write this thing…and I know that in order to do so I am going to have to make some adjustments to my schedule in order to get it done.  I would appreciate the prayers so that I can make all of that happen!

That’s it for now—thanks!