
Seven Things You Have GOT TO Read!

Oct 26, 2011

I love to write.  I began this blog in May of 2005 and have enjoyed pouring into it every week.

However, there are days when I read so many awesome things online that I just want to share them…and so today I would love to point you to a few amazing articles that I’ve read recently that I would highly recommend that you read

#1 - This article by Thom Rainer on “Five Warning Signs Of Declining Church Health” is a MUST READ—WOW!

#2 - This article by Dr. John Piper on eight things to do in regards to leading leaders in making decisions (leading up) is AMAZING!

#3 - Tony Morgan wrote an article on 7 Questions To Ask In Regards To Who Should Be On Your Leadership Team that is AWESOME!

#4 - I LOVE the brutal honesty by Carlos Whitaker in this post about wrestling with doubt!

#5 - Clayton King did an EXCELLENT job in this post about Five Ways To Appreciate Your Pastor

#6 - PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE read this article posted by JD GREAR…one of the MOST LIBERATING and HUMBLING things I’ve ever read…caused me to CELEBRATE like crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#7 - For those who may be interested, I mentioned that I began this blog in May of 2005…here is the first post I ever wrote (actually, it was the 2nd, my first was a post announcing I was blogging!)