
It’s Sunday Night…And My A-D-D is KICKING!!!

Oct 15, 2006

So…I have several thoughts…here they are…in no particular order…

The fair is in town here in Anderson. It happens once a year and I am being reminded of the fact that it is in town right now because they are shooting their FLIPPIN’ FIREWORKS and MY ENTIRE HOUSE IS SHAKING!!!

WOW…glad I got that off my chest…

On to another thought—I love studying theology. STOP LAUGHING…I am serious. I am passionate in my pursuit of studying Scripture and reading books/listening to speakers that continually stretch me…AND I often listen to people that I know I will disagree with…just to challenge myself.

And…I love to discuss theology; however, I refuse to let my theological beliefs end a friendship—and I refuse to never be more passionate about theology than Jesus.

Wanna know why? It’s best summed up in this cartoon posted by my buddy Bob—seriously, isn’t that AWESOME?!?!?!

On to something else…

This next series at NewSpring…WOW…hold onto your hat!!! It’s going to be called “Lord of the Rings.” (Rings being wedding rings.) In this series we’re going to be taking a look at what Scripture says about sex, love, dating, marriage, divorce, homosexuality, submission…and a variety of other topics that provide little or no controversy at all!

I said it from the stage Sunday…and I will say it again—this is NOT a series for those who have ever been a part of a church where the pastor is a pathetic wimp and simply refused to teach what Scripture says about certain subjects. We will go where Scripture goes…and I will tell you what Scripture says…it should be fun—and it WILL be challenging to everyone. (It has challenged the heck out of me in preparing for it!)
Oh yeah—there is a rumor that there is a singer who is somewhat popular on the national scene that might be making an appearance during this series. That’s all I’m saying for now…more details to come later…I will say this—it’s going to be a HUGE SURPRISE!!!

Two prayer requests…

#1 - My book—plans are being put together for me to write a book about all that is going on here at NewSpring. A publisher actually contacted me and wants me to “get on it” and make it happen. Pray that I can find time…and that I will say the right words. What’s going on here at NewSpring is so unique—we have all heard stories of churches growing from zero to over 6,000 is less than six years…but most of the places we hear stories like that are like Dallas, Chicago, and Los Angeles—and not in places like Anderson, SC. YEAH GOD…hopefully He can use this to challenge/encourage others.

#2 - A Live CD—I spoke with Lee tonight about doing a live CD. It looks like this could possibly take place within the next six months. He told me that we need one piece of recording equipment and we will be good to go. Can you imagine a live CD being recorded at NewSpring? HOLY COW! That would be off the hook!! Pray hard…and keep your eyes open!!!

One more thing…and this gets a little sentimental…but, it’s my blog—so I can…

I wrote in my journal two or three times this week, “God…am I pleasing you? Am I living the life that You want me to live? Am I leading the way YOU want me to lead.” I don’t know about you…but I do wonder this sometimes…and like I said, this has been on my mind all week long. A part of my responsibility as a leader is…well…TO LEAD. And I am my hardest critic…at times I wonder if I am doing it well. So I ask God to show me…many times He shows me things that need to change…and other times He encourages me. I want to know I am leading well…and that those closest to me love and respect me—NOT because of my position…but because of the person that Jesus is shaping me to be.

God answered me in this e-mail from Lee—thanks man, you have NO IDEA how much this meant!!!

Dude… tomorrow is boss’s day.

What can I say, you’re the freaking best. You saw something in me that you could believe in and my life has changed because of it. you’ve shown me Jesus in more ways than I can count. You’re one of my heroes, one of my greatest inspirations, and above all, you’re one of my best friends. Thanks for hiring me 6 years ago. I’m in for the long haul as long as you’re here. If you go to do something else, I’ll pack my bags. Seriously. thanks for everything.

Love you, man!
