
Charisse IS HERE!!!

Jun 27, 2007

NO, this is NOT a JOKE! She was born this morning—eight pounds!!!

Mommy and baby are both great—daddy, on the other hand, feels like he could run a marathon RIGHT NOW! Holy cow—this is AWESOME! WOW! YEAH GOD!!! How in the world can anyone witness the birth of a child and deny that HE exists!!!

I can’t wait to preach on Sunday…and YES, I WILL HAVE PICTURES!

Here’s one for now! Thanks for the prayers.

Oh yeah, two more things…

#1 - No flowers please!!! We ask that, if you really want to send something, please send a restaurant gift card to the office—that way we can grub and ‘Cretia doesn’t have to eat my cooking.

#2 - No visitors please…mommy and baby need rest.
