Four Random Questions I Wrestle With

I often reflect on my early years in ministry…and the questions I wrestled with then.  As I look at my struggles my first five…

15 Signs That A Church Is In Trouble

#1 - When excuses are made about the way things are instead of embracing a willingness to roll up the sleeves and fix the problem. #2 -…

Why I Believe The Church’s Best Days Are Ahead…

As I survey the landscape of church in America I am not buying into to the “doom and gloom” that some people seem to take joy…

Ten Ways To Kill Vision In Your Church

#1 - Pray really small prayers…seriously, don’t ask God for ANYTHING big.  He DID put an interstate highway through a sea,…

Unleash Update!!!

Unleash is a one day church leadership conference that we began in 2007 that specifically targets pastors, staff members AND volunteers…

Live CD Recording!!!

This Friday night…it is ON!!! Our band at the Anderson Campus is doing a LIVE CD recording!!! The doors open at 6:00…the…

Five Reasons We Are Doing A “Single Series!”

This Sunday we begin, “Don’t Get Married Until…”  Why? #1 - Because married people need to go back to the basics!…

Hey NewSpring…We Need Your Help!

Normally I take this particular blog post on Monday’s to take a minute to encourage pastors and church leaders…but today there…

“How Do You Prepare A Message?”  Part Four

Last post on this subject… 6.    Pay attention to culture. This should go without saying but what people are talking about should…

“How Do You Prepare A Message?”  Part Three

Quick review… #1 - Get A Word from the Word #2 - Listen to other communicators #3 - Find your best time and place to prepare #4 -…

“How Do You Prepare A Message” - Part Two

Continuing from yesterday… 3.    Find your best time and place to prepare. One of the things that a communicator must discover is…

“How Do You Prepare A Message?”  Part One

One of the questions most asked of me by church leaders and people around NewSpring is how do I go about preparing a message… When…