What If You Invited Someone To Church & They DID NOT Receive Christ?

Dec 24, 2013

You may be asking, “So, I’ve invited my friend to church and they came but did not receive Christ…what do I do now?” 

For some this past Christmas was the first time something like this has happened to you, for others you may have invited them time after time and they never respond to the Gospel. 

Times like this cause us to doubt our ability to impact the world, doubt whether or not the other person will ever change and maybe even doubt whether or not God will ever save the person we so desperately want to see surrender their lives to Him. 

So, I wanted to give you some steps you can take if you are wrestling with this…

#1 – Don’t Give Up On Them! 

I often say on this website that God was patient with us (II Peter 3:9); therefore we should be patient with others. 

It was God’s kindness that led us to Him (Romans 2:4); therefore we should know it will be our kindness (not our condemnation) that will lead others to Him as well. 

They may not have received Christ at the service; however, we never know what God is doing in someone’s heart. It’s in times like this we need to lean into Ecclesiastes 3:11 and know that Jesus really does make all things beautiful in His time. 

  • Keep asking God to give you opportunities to talk to them about Him. 
  • Keep inviting them to church. 
  • Keep being their friend. 

You never know what God is up to. 

#2 – Ask Them How You Can Pray For Them. 

“How can I pray for you” is one of the most spiritually engaging questions we could ask someone. 

I’ve never had someone tell me to not pray for them, nor have I had someone ever scream at me that in asking that particular question that I am shoving God down their throat. 

And, when you ask them how…then actually pray for them and follow through within the next week to see how they are doing. 

People are WAY more likely to listen to you if they know you care about them. 

#3 – Ask Jesus For Opportunities To Serve Them. 

Matthew 20:28 is where Jesus tells us He did not come to be served, but to serve and give HIS life away. 

Look for practical ways to go the extra mile for them. 

The church would be a lot more effective in the world if it stopped screaming at people and began serving them. 

And you WILL impact someone’s life when you go out of your way to do something nice for them.