There Are Too Many WIMPY Men!
OK…warning…this is a rant…and before you ask…I mean exactly what I say…now let’s go!
Most of you know about my marathon training; in fact, I spoke about it this past Sunday…even making reference to the group of us that are currently training for it.
Last week we had three guys and four girls who trained all week long. We joked with a lot of people about joining us & were given some pretty funny looks…
Then this morning we actually had two more people join us—women that is. I laughed—we can’t get a guy to train with us…but girls are actually excited about training for this. Why is that? Simple—WIMPY men!
Now if it were a contest to see who could eat the most wings OR who could flip channels the fastest then there would be men coming out of hiding. But see, this marathon…it takes things like, oh—COMMITMENT to a training schedule—a willingness to endure pain…
(Speaking of enduring pain—men are wimps—we cry and whine about a boo-boo while women do things like—oh—HAVE BABIES!!! Men, don’t go there on me—we could not have a baby, heck, I know many men that have passed out in the delivery room…and they aren’t actually doing anything except for bothering their wife!!!)
Now all of this is a little funny…but there is something to this…
I have been making fun of men being wimps in a physical sense…but you know the area that most men blow it in is the spiritual area…let’s face it—there are a lot of wimpy men when it comes to spirituality.
Example—men can tell you who was the quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers the last time they won a Super Bowl (Terry Bradshaw)—but do not know more than five verses of Scripture from memory—especially if they are not allowed to use John 3:16 and John 11:35.
And this one gets me—I have seen TOO MANY TIMES the mother bringing the children to church…and when you ask her where “dad” is she will say, “Oh, he’s at home…he didn’t feel like coming.” It simply bothers me when men refuse to lead their family spiritually!
It’s amazing how many men will claim, “I am the leader,” when it comes to making decisions in the home—but when it comes to spiritual matters I know that many of them are passive, wanting to abdicate that responsibility to someone else.
Men—it’s time to LEAD—it’s time to stop being a wimp. Just like a lot of men have ran from the challenge to do a marathon…many run from the challenge of leading the family. Men—LEAD! Pray with your wife—pray with and over your children—TAKE them to church…and dropping them off does not count!
One of my passions is for men to return to biblical manhood—to be THE MAN! That means leading your family spiritually—that means loving your wife as Christ loves the church. That means putting them before the job. That means stop using the excuse, “They know I love them because I bring home the paycheck!”
What it does mean it STEP UP! Be the man.
Please don’t get me wrong…I am not saying that if you are not preparing to run 26.2 miles that you are not a man…what I am saying is that if you are neglecting the very areas that God has called you to…then that is wimpy. BE THE MAN!