I Think I Am About To Explode!
WOW…I have so many thoughts running through my head right now that I can’t put them into order…but I will try—
Lucretia and I were on vacation this past week—it was SO nice. We spent some time in Panama City Beach, Florida! Everyone always asks, “So what did you do on your vacation?” Which is a weird question in my opinion—we were on vacation—so we did NOTHING! Isn’t that the point of a vacation? OR…are you the type of person that, when you come home, you need a vacation to recover from your vacation?
I have to say this—I am more excited about church than I have ever been before! I came home today after the first two services and tried to take a nap…which is what I usually do on Sunday’s! BUT…I could not sleep! All I could do was to pray and thank God for what He is doing!
There are less than 500 churches in America today that are running over 3,000. Please read that sentence again and let it sink in! NOW—keep in mind that NewSpring is among those churches—and we are in ANDERSON, SC!!! Not Atlanta—not Dallas—not New York—not Boston—but ANDERSON, home of the redneck festival also known as the jockey lot!
Like it or not—this could only be God! He is making a name for Himself right here—and the best is yet to come. If this is what He has done in six years without us having our own facility—just think what is going to happen now that we are in our own place!
Clayton King spoke at NewSpring today and was incredible. I love it when Clayton comes to speak—he loves Jesus and preaches straight Biblical truth—and God honors that every time! He will be back in a couple of weeks!
I am reading Mark Driscoll’s new book and will be posting a review on it soon…let me just say that after reading the first two chapters…OH MY DANG! If you are a pastor or church leader then GO BUY THIS BOOK TODAY and read it! I can’t put it down…which is saying something for me because I have ADHD!
Oh yeah—remember Granger...the church I blogged about several months ago…the one that got national media attention with their mylamesexlife.com series? Well—it seems that God was in what they were doing after all! They had a plan—a strategy…they used the series to get people in the doors…and then THIS happened! YEAH GOD! AND YEAH Granger for listening to God instead of the critics!
Mark, once again, hits the ball out of the park with this post!!!
AND last but not least—pray for my friend Gary! This post is proof that his heart is not right with the Lord. He is bitter about UGA being ranked so low—uh Gary, two words for you my friend—WEST VIRGINIA! You guys let a team from the “Big LEAST” come in and walk all over you in your own back yard—you guys are lucky you are even ranked in the top 50! It looks like you guys will be back to “business as usual” this year—being the whipping boys of Florida and UT!