
Stepping Up To The Challenge

Aug 5, 2008

I still can’t get over this post from last week in regards to a teenager emptying their savings account because they felt that God wanted them to give it all away.

It’s awesome to see our teens stepping up and leading the way…we’re used to them being passionate in worship…but wow…in giving!  I hear so much about how our teens today are self centered and self focused…that just isn’t the case in every circumstance.

So, as I read Mark 11:29-31 the other morning (folks…Jesus said this…I am not commenting except to say that He is making some huge promises here!) and then came across Mark 12:41-44 I really felt God tell me

to challenge everyone at NewSpring Church to step up this month sometime and give a generous gift—way beyond what you may normally give.  

What amount?  Not sure…what I am asking everyone at NewSpring Church to do is pray about it…seriously seek the Lord and ask Him…and if He leads then do what He tells you to do.

And…if you don’t attend NewSpring Church then ask God what type of generous gift He would want you to give to the church where you do attend.  Seriously—ask Him!  You will never find ONE SINGLE instance in Scripture where God rebukes someone for being generous…but there are TONS where He goes off on people for being greedy!

We are where we are today because people have given generously!  We were able to build our Anderson campus because of generous gifts!  (Some in the form of a million dollars…and others in the form of $25…what is generous to some is different to others!)  We were able to go to Greenville because of generous gifts.  We were able to provide shoes for kids who didn’t have them because of generous gifts.  We are able to build a state of the art children’s and youth facility in Anderson because of generous gifts.  We are able to go to Florence because of generous gifts…

You get the picture.

So…I’m just asking…would you at least be willing to pray and ask God, “What is it this month that You would have me to give that is above what I normally give.”  And then…do whatever He tells you to do!  You can’t screw up by obeying Him.

AND…if you’re not a regular giver…why not go ahead and surrender that area to Him as well!?!?!?