I’ve received quite a few calls/texts/emails about Gary Lamb and the news that was announced concerning him at Revolution Church yesterday...so let me be very clear about a few things…
I love Gary…he is my friend…Proverbs 17:17 says that a friend loves at ALL times—period. I will not be turning my back on him because he sinned. (I sort of think that is the way Jesus would want us to treat people…since He treats us the same way…unless we fail to repent, which is another issue.)
I, along with several other members on the board of Revolution Church, are in the process of putting together a process in which he will be able to be restored to the body of believers and we would all very much appreciate your prayers. (Galatians 6:1-2) Our goal as a board is NOT to beat him down…but to come along side of him and help pick him back up.
If you are one of those freakin idiots who halo is usually so tight that it causes you to lavish in your personal holiness and you want to throw rocks at him…just remember that it is BY GOD’S GRACE that you and I didn’t sin in the same way!!! And…if you are actually delighting in the fact that he sinned…I would say get used to the heat because hell is hot!!!
The best way to pray for Gary right now is for him to completely repent and seek the Lord with all of his heart. He has a long road ahead of him…he knows it and has communicated with me that he wants to do whatever it takes to make things right.
Yes, God is full of grace. Yes, God has forgiven Gary, but sin always brings about consequences. Saying that…please be in prayer for his wife, his children and the church that he served.
And pastors…church leaders…please don’t get mad at Gary about this but rather allow this tragedy to cause you to look in the mirror and ask yourself, “is there anything going on in my private life that, if it became public, would disqualify me from ministry?” Things like this should not cause us to force others away from the cross…but rather they should cause us to hold on to it tighter than we ever have!