Should You Feel Good At Church?

Jan 18, 2006

On my way home yesterday I was scanning the stations and came upon a talk show where someone was discussing the topic of church…so of course, I ceased scanning and began to listen.

The person calling in was “going off” on “feel good churches” that do nothing but promote positive thinking…and this dude was pretty passionate about truth being taught—and that the truth is always hard to swallow.

Let me be very clear…so that I am not misquoted or misunderstood—there are times when it does not “feel good” to come to church. For example—recently I did a message on the wrath of God! I would say it was one of the most intense messages we have ever done at NewSpring. And I am sure for some…it didn’t feel good—it stung…it hurt…it was convicting.

When we feel led to do a sermon on money…well…it doesn’t feel good. Wait! I take that back—to people who actually worship the Lord with their money—it DOES feel good, but to those who worship themselves…well…it stings, it hurts, it convicts.

In our recent relationship series entitled “Hitch” we addressed serious issues in regards to dating and marriage—we hit the fact that living together before getting married is wrong, that having sex before marriage is wrong—you know, pretty challenging stuff. And, once again, it stung, it hurt, it was convicting.

I said all of that, though, to say this…there must be a balance. I am NOT in any way in favor of a church ALWAYS teaching that all we need to do is think “happy thoughts” and as a result—God will somehow bless us because of our positive thinking. I am NOT in favor of a church teaching there is not a literal hell. I am NOT in favor of a church NOT teaching the entire counsel of Scripture.

However, I am NOT in favor of hell, fire, and brimstone messages every single weekend. I am NOT in favor of pastors “going off” on their people and then pretending that their poo poo doesn’t stink. I am NOT in favor of beating the “hell” out of those who do not know Christ. (Seriously, how many “sinners” did Jesus “go off” on? Let’s count them—uh, let’s see—nope, there aren’t any. NOW—how many times did He “go off” on the religious? Whew—I am not sure I can count that high!)

I have came to this conclusion…it is NOT MY JOB to make people feel good OR bad about where they are in regards to their spiritual journey. It IS my job to teach the truth…and the Holy Spirit will then do what He needs to do…I am not the Holy Spirit—period.

And the truth does hurt—it does sting—it does convict—HOWEVER, the truth also provides freedom and hope—inspiration and encouragement…and it does feel good. We must get away from the mindset that, because Christians are not going to hell, we need to at least make them feel as if they have been there for an hour or two every Sunday.

At NewSpring it is our passion to teach truth…and there are some things, personally, that when taught from Scripture—I feel good about—things such as…

Jesus took my place—uh, yep—that makes me feel good.

God will always love me…no matter what! WOW—now if you truly grasp that concept, that will make you feel pretty good.

The Bible is God’s perfect guidebook on how to know Him AND how to do life! Yep, once again, I am feeling pretty good about the fact that God didn’t leave me alone to do life—He provided a written plan!

The Holy Spirit lives in me and will guide me in knowing Christ and in making decisions. Once again—that makes me feel good.

Salvation was God’s gift to me—I didn’t earn it—AND He knew all about my past, my sins, my shortcomings…and not only that—He also knew of all the times I would disappoint Him in the future AFTER He saved me…and He saved me anyway—YEP, I feel good about that.

I could go on and on…all I am saying is that, as a church leader, I feel it is my calling to speak the truth from Scripture…and how people feel is the result of God’s Holy Spirit. So if I teach the truth and people leave church feeling good—uh, what’s the problem? AND if I teach the truth and people leave feeling convicted—uh, once again, what’s the problem?

So should you feel good at church? Yep—sometimes. And should you feel convicted at church? Yep—sometimes! Just my two cents…