Pastor P

Sunday Night Reflections

May 25, 2008

Here are my thoughts on the day…BUT, before I go there let me say a HUGE THANK YOU to the veterans of our Armed Forces.  Because of your willingness to serve we had the freedom to assemble today as a body of believers and worship Almighty God.  AND a special thank you to the families with a loved one who paid the ultimate price for our freedom…they will never be forgotten!
Daniel Harper did an incredible job communicating today…here are a few of his main points…

  • Excellent message—Obedience before sacrifice—wow!
  • We can do “mostly” what God says and still live in disobedience.
  • “We have made Christianity about doing right things rather than obeying Jesus.”
  • “The ROOT of sin is that we value self more than Jesus.”

Here are a few other thoughts from the day…

  • Like Dorothy said—there’s no place like home.  I love this place!
  • Charisse’s favorite color is purple!
  • Greenville campus is ONE WEEK CLOSER…go HERE if you want more information OR if you want to connect with an incredible opportunity to allow God to use you through volunteering.
  • Steven and I chat every Sunday…but we’ve not been able to connect for a couple of weeks until today.  I seriously think every pastor should talk to another pastor once a week.  (I didn’t say talk about another pastor—but talk to him!)
  • God is REALLY stretching me…and during the past week He has shown me that my dreams are way too small…both ministerially and personally.
  • SO…that means that I am BEGGING Him for bigger dreams…and He’s REALLY making me uncomfortable…in a good sort of way…Isaiah 55:8-9…wow!
  • This is the LAST WEEK to help vote on the topic that you want me to preach about in July.  So far we’ve had over 3,500 votes.  You can go HERE to select your topic of choice.

That’s about it—except for my SHOUT OUT to the ladies basketball team that I helped coach this past winter.  We had an undefeated regular season…but more than that…I had a blast just getting to hang out with them (and watch them put on chap stick and text message people in the middle of their games!)  Tonight I was able to spend some time with them and we had dinner together—DANG, those girls can flat out throw down on some food.

Ladies…I really enjoyed hanging out with you.  As you go off to college stay in the Word, find a great church and strive to be a Proverbs 31 woman!!!
