Random Thought Thursday
I have been stretched…my standards have been challenged…and my mind has been blown.
On Tuesday I had the privilege to meet with and speak to Mark Driscol (yes, the dude from Seattle), Bob Buford (the author of “Halftime”), Larry Osborne, and Wayne Cordeiro. (I know these names might not mean a lot to some of you—but these guys are pioneers, reaching tons of people for Christ…and doing church in ways that are creative and excellent.)
One of the things I have taken away from the meeting was something said by Larry Osborne. He told the group that your family does not have to suffer because of the ministry. He has been a pastor of the same church for 35 years…and his children AND all of the children of his staff walk with the Lord. I WANT THAT!!! I want that so bad for my children (no, ‘Cretia is not pregnant—I am talking in the future) AND the children of the staff who serve with me.
In this meeting were some of my peers as well—who face the same challenges and struggles—it was refreshing to hear their thoughts and ideas. Some of these dudes were Matt Carter, Bil Cornelius, Clark Mitchell, and a host of others! These guys rocked!!!
I was also able to spend some time on Tuesday with “Mr. Blogger” himself—Terry Storch! (Picture coming later—if I can figure out how to do that!) The dude is wise…and I always learn a ton from him. He’s got some awesome stuff going on in his life!
Then yesterday I spent about an hour with Ed Young, the pastor of Fellowship Church. The dude challenged me and encouraged me in so many ways…and I am thankful for the relationship that I have with him.
All of this to say…as I have already said…I am challenged. I am not satisfied with being in the race, I want to run to win. (Please see I Corinthians 9:24-27!) I want to be the best I can be & reach as many people as I can for Christ. My passion is HOT…and I can’t wait for Sunday!
Got to go now—I am getting on a plane in about an hour or so to fly back to GSP. I will post again later on.