
Quick Thoughts About Change…

Apr 23, 2012

Change is awesome…change is needed and change can lead to advancements that are incredible.


Change will always be resisted by some, not because they are evil but because they crave security and find that security in the “normal.”  (Take the time to engage them in conversations rather than dismissing them.  Keep in mind if it took you some time to process that particular change then you cannot expect them to “get it” the first time you share it with them.)

Change is NOT easy because it will impact systems that will have to be relearned…but more than that it will impact the lives of people.  (As a leader put yourself in their shoes & ask, “how would I react if this were happening to me?”)

Change is not something that a leader should declare but rather should take the time to discuss with those whom God has called him to lead with (see Proverbs 15:22!)

Change is something that WILL be forced upon certain people or organizations if they do not deal with reality (just look at the railroad industry in the 1800’s or even Kodak more recently!)

Change always requires leaders being willing to take a risk.

Just some thoughts I’ve been having lately about the subject of “change!”