
“Oh Crap, They Got Me” - Part One

Oct 6, 2010

I’m a MAC user…and I make zero apologies for it.  I have a Mac book pro, and ipad, two ipods…and would have an iphone if the service wasn’t with AT&T.  (Iphones do not work on the Anderson campus of NewSpring…I wrote about this in more detail here and here.)

BUT…things haven’t always been that way for me…

There was a time when I was walking in the darkness…when there was little to no hope for me at all…many of you know those days well, back when we had a PC.

My life with the PC was awful…I can’t remember EVER having one that made it three months before it crapped out and crashed.  My PC would always freeze up…and it seemed like we needed a full time IT guy just for me to keep the computer I had going.

Friends began to tell me about MAC’s…and that I should get one.  They talked about how “life changing” a MAC would be…how much better it would make my life…how much more simple it was to use.

But…I had a hard heart and resisted the truth they were trying to speak to me.  I was somehow going to make this PC thing work…I just needed to get the right computer, the right system, the right software, the right…uh…something.

YET…the result was more and more frustration.  And…all the while my MAC friends kept telling me, “Perry, trust me, come over to a MAC, you will never regret it.”

SO…I did.  Understand that I was still very much a skeptic and I didn’t want to become a MAC evangelist like my buddies were.  (Seriously, they were obsessed with converting the world…they looked down on people who had PC’s and quite often would make sneering remarks about them.)  I agreed to get a MAC…to try it out…but I was NEVER, I mean EVER, going to be a MAC snob.  :-)

I didn’t like the MAC at first…my conversion was not an easy one.  It was SO different…yet after about a week I had the hang of it…after about two weeks I fell in love with it…after a couple of months I bought my wife one…when the ipad came out I got one…I became a guy who became fiercely loyal to MAC products and (GASP) actually began telling people about them.

And today…I’m “that guy,” you know…the guy I said I would never become.  Two things happened to me recently to put an exclamation point on that subject…

#1 - My sister in law was at our house and had a problem with her PC…so I said I would take a look at it (which if you know me is funny because of my lack of computer knowledge.)  UH…I didn’t even remember how to use it.  I am so used to a MAC and the way it is SO user friendly that I had a hard time even looking at the menu items on it…


#2 - I was in an airport recently and walked by a guy using a PC…and both looked down on him and felt sorry for him at the same time.  It was right then that I realized, “CRAP…they got me!”  I said I would NEVER do that…but now I was…

And then I began to reflect on how we as Christ followers often go through the same thing when it comes to our conversion…I will explain that in detail tomorrow…