Lifesavers Study Guide

Aug 23, 2015

#1 – Here are the links to the Bible Studies I mentioned in the message today.

Financial Peace University
Beth Moore's James: Mercy Triumphs 
Discovering God's Will

#2 – Read Acts 4:17-20. What has Jesus done in your life that you know you need to tell someone else about?

#3 – Who is the person that you need to tell about what Jesus has done in your life? (Read Romans 10:14-17 for motivation in regards to the fact we are all called to take action!)  

#4 – Today we talked about how Jesus works in you to work through you.  Take a look at 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 and ask yourself the question  “Who do I need to invite to church next week as a result of what this text says?”

#5 – Peter was a follower of Jesus.  Take a look at Matthew 4:18-19 and notice what Jesus invited Peter to do (fish for people).   With this in mind, look up and highlight the following passages:

Matthew 28:18-20
Mark 16:15
Luke 24:45-48
John 20:21
Acts 1:8

#6 – Read 2 Corinthians 5:16.  Notice that Paul says that we regard no one from a worldly point of view.  This means that everyone spends eternity somewhere.  With this in mind, begin to pray that Jesus will allow you to see people as He sees people.

#7 – Read Acts 1:15, 2:41, 4:4 and notice how rapidly that “lifesavers” took seriously Jesus’ command to go and reach the world!

#8 – Read Acts 2:42-47 and list out 5 ways that people who had their lives impacted by Jesus began to impact the world.

#9 – Read Acts 4:12.

Also check out the following references:

John 14:6
Isaiah 53:5-6
Ephesians 2:8-9
Romans 5:1
Romans 6:23
Romans 10:13

According to these scriptures, Jesus is the only way for someone to be connected to God.  This means that all of us have the ability and the responsibility to share our story (See Acts 4:17-20).

#10 – If you have an issue feeling under-qualified to share what Jesus has done in your life, be sure to look at Acts 4:13 and notice that the disciples were not religious scholars but everyday, ordinary people - just like you and me.

#11 – Lots of people know John 3:16, but take a second to read John 3:17.  In light of this verse, do we reach more people through criticism or condemnation?

#12 – Who are you bringing to NewSpring Church for the Best Weekend Ever?  Write their names down, and pray that Jesus will impact their lives. (If you are tempted to give up on someone, Galatians 6:9 is an excellent verse to memorize!)