Perry Noble Leadership Podcast Recap Part 1

Dec 27, 2012

Every month Shane Duffey and I record the Perry Noble Leadership Podcast for people who are ready to be challenged in their faith, stretched as leaders and willing to do whatever it takes to be more like Jesus. Here are the first 6 episodes of 2012.

January: There is a Price to Pay

The Bible tells us to “Get wisdom, get understanding though it cost all you have.” If you want to lead successfully, you must always be learning. If you want to learn, you must pay the price and invest in your own future....

February: 10 Signs You Are An Insecure Leader

Listen through this podcast and pray that the Lord would reveal your insecurities. Repent and remember the calling of God on your life.

March: What Makes A Great Team?

Building a great team is your responsibility and lays the foundation for your success as a leader. A great team is built of different personalities with various opinions rallied around a singular vision to accomplish a...

April: Four Problems the Church Has to Deal With

Is your church answering questions that no one else is asking? Calling laziness “authenticity”? Using “discipleship” to excuse evangelism? Becoming more political than prophetic? 

May: 3 Key Ways to Maintain Unity on Your Team

Unity doesn't just happen, it takes work. You must lead your team and encourage them to assume the best, communicate clearly and cultivate an environment where they are equipped to ask questions and pursue clarity.

June: We Are In The People Business

If you focus on the masses and are driven by a task, you may miss key interactions with people that God has placed in your path. Without people we have no church.