How Unique Are You?
I spent most of my childhood years trying to be someone else. At first I wanted to be Roger Staubach, the QB for the Dallas Cowboys. I would literally watch football on Sunday’s and act like I was him…which didn’t excite my dad too much because he was actually trying to watch the game. (AND he was a Pittsburgh fan!!!)
In high school I wanted to be a rock star. (Didn’t we all?) I used to play some awesome air guitar listening to Guns & Roses sing, “Sweet Child of Mine.”
Then I accepted Christ…found out that I was created unique…but I still attempted to be someone else. At the time there was a Christian comedian that I admired greatly…so I would sort of try to be just like him…it didn’t work. I would get a lot of laughs—but something just didn’t feel right about it.
I went through several times of identity crisis, trying to be just like someone else…until I finally realized that God created and designed me to be me. I love the way Rob Bell said it the first time I heard him speak, “The world doesn’t need a second of them (meaning the person you are trying to be) it needs a first of you!”
So how unique are you? I used to think that teenagers were the only ones who struggled with this; however, I see it in adults as well—they are trying to be someone else. Young couples try to be their parents and accumulate a house, nice cars, boats, etc…all of the things it took their parents 35 years to get…this young couple wants in five! Then their marriage gets shaky and begins to crumble because of the debt they have mounted up…all because they want to be who they are not.
I see this in men—they want to make money—money is a status symbol. And all too often men admire other men who make money…no matter HOW they made it. And so because of this bad decisions are made, unethical practices take place…and you know the rest of the story…all because the dude is not focused on who God designed him to be.
Women…you deal with this as well. The pressure on women as far as appearance in America is intense. Seriously, how many ugly women do you see on magazine covers? It seems like every where a woman turns she is faced with the thought, “Oh my gosh—she is so beautiful…I could never be that pretty…unless I…” You can probably finish the sentence. This is why women struggle with eating disorders. This is why women will have sex with a man who makes her feel like she is special & beautiful…whether he happens to be her husband or not!
We all struggle with this—all of us! The enemy wants us to believe that in order to be loved and accepted by the people in this world that we have to be something or someone that we are not…and that is a LIE!
God created you and I to be unique. Yes, we can admire other people…and yes, we should be encouraged by the godly character of others—imitating godly character is never a bad thing; however, to try to be someone you are not is a slap in the face of an awesome God. It’s basically giving Him the middle finger and saying, “Your plan for my life is not good enough…I’m going to try this…”
So today my challenge is to be unique—who God created you to be—the world needs you—that is why you are here!!!