I Have This Slight Problem…
I haven’t owned a scale in years…I didn’t want one. However, I made the decision to purchase one last week and it came in the mail yesterday.
Since I have gotten it yesterday afternoon I have weighed myself at least 10 times. Seriously, I wanted to know what I weighed as soon as I got it out of the box. I weighed before going to supper last night. I weighed after returning from supper (MISTAKE!) I weighed this morning before going to the gym. I weighed when I returned from the gym. For some reason that I cannot explain I am fascinated with this stupid scale!
I used to not like scales—all of them were tools of satan in my mind—their mission was to demoralize me—to keep me depressed; however, now I can weigh myself with confidence—and I am not afraid of a scale—in fact, I can’t seem to walk by one anymore without getting on it to see what I weigh. (And if it weighs me too heavy…then I will ban that scale & never use it again. Seriously—the scale at the gym where I work out is on CRACK!)
Anyone else out there do this?
More to come later…maybe!