
Goals For 2008

Dec 31, 2007

I don’t really have any resolutions…but I do have some goals for 2008 that I thought I would share…

#1 - To SERIOUSLY discern God’s direction for my life and this church.  

This will take me intentionally carving out more time in my schedule to spend in solitude, purposefully being quiet so that I may better hear His voice.

#2 - To be a wildly romantic husband!  

That’s about all you need to know about that one!!!  :-)

#3 - To continue to grow in wisdom as a father!  

I have to admit sometime—when it comes to raising kids…I’m stupid.  I am praying more and more for God to fill me with His wisdom so that I don’t screw being a dad up.

#4 - To read at least 20 books.  

That is MAJOR for me.

#5 - To do at least 20 new things I’ve never done before.  

I want to experience life more…and there are tons of things I’ve never done that I need to try to take a stab at this year…some are easy, such as visiting the aquarium in Atlanta…and others will be more, let’s say, adventurous, such as…oh, I don’t know…we’ll see!

That’s about it—we’ll see what happens!!!  :-)