Four Things That May Be Holding You Back From Losing Weight
#1 - The "I Can't Do It" Mindset
I know where this comes from...'ve tried...and it just hasn't worked out!
So you believe your past failures will hinder you from making future progress.
Which is simply not true - if I can do can too!!!
#2 - Procrastination
"I'm going to lose weight someday" was a phrase I often recited...just to make myself FEEL good in that particular moment.
However, I never actually would establish a "start date," thus proving procrastination is nothing more than punishing myself (because of delaying progress!)
Let me set a date for you...Monday, January 8, 2018 (or, you can do it before if you want.)
The reason I am setting this date is because it's going to be when we get REALLY active on the private Facebook group you will be invited too upon your purchase of the eBook, "I Can Win With Weight!"
For 90 days in a row we are going to encourage AND challenge one another - and CELEBRATE like crazy the progress that is made!
#3 - Not Having A Plan
"Fail to plan, plan to fail," a mentor once told me.
So often I would want to eat right and exercise...but, because I didn't actually have a PLAN (just a thought) I would always drift towards what I had previously done.
Which is one of the reasons I wrote the eBook, "I Can Win With Weight!" I have tried nearly every plan/program out there--as well as purchased so many pieces of exercise equipment it isn't even funny!!
However, the more research I did--and the more I experimented on myself--I know the plan I have developed is both simple and effective--in other words, IT WORKS!
#4 - Telling Yourself, "It's Cheaper To Eat Unhealthy Than It Is To Eat Healthy!"
This is actually true...for the short term...
...because while the double cheeseburger with fries MAY be less expensive than the grilled chicken salad--the triple bypass surgery you are going to need years down the road isn't going to be cheap at all (OR--MAYBE the years you take off your life by neglecting your health will be covered by the massive life insurance policy you will need to leave your family if you don't get this situation under control.)
While that may be a bit harsh - it's true!! If you don't do something about this area of your life then you need to go ahead and plan for your life to be shorter and way less impactful than you want it to be.
Your health is exactly that - YOUR HEALTH - and only YOU can do something about it!
You CAN WIN WITH WEIGHT - and there is NO BETTER TIME to begin planning/preparing for this than TODAY - go here, click the "buy now" button in the upper right hand corner and let's get started!!
2018 is the year for you to get lean - trust me, if I can do it, you can too!!!