Five Things I Want To Thank NewSpring Church For…

Oct 9, 2014

As we are entering this next series (that I wrote about here and here) I wanted to say “thank you” to our church for five things:

#1 – Thank you for believing that Found People Find People – Over 90% of the people in our church said they came to church for the first time because someone personally invited them. 

As a church we have made the commitment to you to make the Gospel as clear as possible to the people you bring in the doors. 

You have taken this seriously over the years and we have seen THOUSANDS give their lives to Christ! 

(See Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:45-48, John 20:21, Acts 1:8, Romans 1:16, II Corinthians 5:11-21)

#2 – Thank you for believing that Saved People Serve People – thank you to every single volunteer that does something in our church. It pumps me up as a pastor to know that our church is moving forward, but even more than that, you are growing personally and becoming more like Jesus as you embrace serving others (see Matthew 20:28). 

As a friend of mine often says, “The church is not built on the gifts and talents of a few, but on the sacrifices of many.”

I am so pumped that as hundreds, maybe even THOUSAND of people that come to our church this Sunday for the launching of “At The Movies” that they will see Jesus in the way you serve them so well.

(See Matthew 20:26, Matthew 20:28, I Peter 4:10, I Corinthians 12:4-7, Romans 12:6-8

#3 – Thank you for believing that Growing People Change – I love hearing the stories of how so many people have taken their next step in their walk with Christ, and doing so has CHANGED their lives. Stories of people beginning to read their Bible everyday, confessing a secret sin that has dominated their lives, asking for help in their marriage, admitting they are struggling with anxiety and beginning to see that God is so much bigger than our limited views of Him..ALL THAT FIRES ME UP! 

Our goal is to reach people far from God and then teach them how to follow Jesus step by step! We all have a next step…and it’s SO AMAZING to see so many taking theirs.  

(See Acts 10 – God completely changed Peter’s heart and mind AFTER he had been leading the church for quite a while!) 

#4 – Thank you for believing that You Can’t Do Life Alone – I love the way you care for one another. A church is not effective when the pastor ministers to the people but rather when the body ministers to the body. I have seen our groups ministry explode as people are literally doing life together, celebrating births, mourning losses, visiting one another, taking care of each other financially and making sure that people do not feel alone in their daily walk.

(See Hebrews 10:24-25, Romans 15:7, Ephesians 4:2, Colossians 3:16, I Thessalonians 5:11)

#5 – Thank you for believing that You Cannot Out Give God – thank you for the way you give so generously. Thank you to those who have gone through our free financial coaching and have began the journey to break the chains of debt. Thank you for those who have began to tithe and trust God with the FIRST part of you income. Thank you for those who have given to Step Up. We are seeing campuses launch and communities changed because of your generosity. 

(See Proverbs 3:9-10, II Corinthians 9:6-15, Malachi 3:10, Matthew 6:19-24, Deuteronomy 8:10-18)

I love my church – it is an honor and privilege to serve as your pastor. 

As I’ve said before…this coming Sunday is going to be THE BEST SERIES we’ve EVER had!! 

Let’s go for it!!!