Unlimited Access

On Sunday night I was typing away in my office at home, trying to get ready for the trip that I am currently on with our High School…

Some Thoughts From My Journal

I journaled the following thoughts the other week and felt like I needed to share them, here they are… “Jesus, YOU are what…

Four Thoughts/Convictions That God’s Been Showing Me…

I am reading through the Bible again this year…and I am currently in Ezekiel. However, there are themes that are all over the Major…

Struggling With The Question Of Discipleship

One of the questions I have been asked often as a pastor is, “What is NewSpring doing to make disciples?” I’ve got to be…

Questions I’m Asking Myself—Part Four

Here’s the last one for the week… Isaiah 42:16 (NLT) - “I will lead blind Israel down a new path, guiding them along an…

Questions I’m Asking Myself—Part Three

This one is a tough one…especially being the founding pastor of NewSpring… Isaiah 42:10 (NLT), “Sing a new song to the…

Questions I’m Asking Myself—Part Two

Continuing with yesterday’s thoughts… Isaiah 42:4, (NLT) - “He will not falter or lose heart...” #2 - Am I…

Where Are You Allowing God To Take You?

I believe that God has incredible places He wants to take me (and you) if we will only listen to Him and follow His direction…this…

God Up In My Grill

The other night I was sitting on the couch & browsing through internet world when I saw a friend link a blog that had taken a shot at…


You need to STOP what you are doing and go read Chris’ post about being a father for 14 days...and get some Kleenex before you…

What If David Would Have Twittered?

Continuing my thoughts about twittering...I think it would have been interesting if David would have had access to this…we might have…

Two Things I’m Asking God For…

One of the things that I seem to let get the best of me is life.  Bottom line here…I am SOOOOOO spoiled (by the way…so are you)…