I am so pumped about all that God is doing at NewSpring. I can’t help it…I just get excited when I think about how faithful He has been.
From time to time I will run into someone in our community…or will receive an e-mail from someone who thinks that I should not “brag about our church” so much. I have been accused of being self-centered and just focused on OUR church…as I am sure some of you who attend NewSpring have been accused of this as well.
If you are in this camp then we have two choices—the first is we can be silent. We can choose to “celebrate in silence.” We can give God a mighty “golf clap” every time He moves in an undeniable way. We can seal our lips out of fear that someone may get offended at the words we speak. And if we do this…then people around us will be pleased…and the Lord will be dishonored.
The second choice is that we can boast in the Lord! If you read Scripture you will discover that when God moves in an awesome way—people rejoice—OUT LOUD…and they BOAST in what HE has done.
I can’t help but talk about all that God has done here…and I cannot/will not apologize in regards to how it might make “people from other churches” feel. I will boast in the Lord because HE is OBVIOUSLY at work here.
I mean, people boast all the time…you see athletes boast about their abilities…you see rich people boast about their money…you hear movie stars boast about their accomplishments…and that is all fine and well. BUT for some reason a person who will accept this will not tolerate someone talking about all that God is doing in their church? That doesn’t make sense. I will continue to boast in the Lord.
David danced with all his might before the Lord when the ark was brought to Jerusalem…and the Bible says that Saul’s daughter “despised him in her heart.” When he returned home she told him that she didn’t think his attitude of celebration was that necessary…and he responded to her, ”...I will celebrate before the Lord. I will become even more undignified than this…” Translation, “Hey lady…if you are offended at what you just saw…don’t hang around because it’s about to get crazy around here!” You can read the story in II Samuel 6:12-23.
I have the same attitude. People have written in saying, “Hey Perry, you speak of your church like you think it’s the best church ever.” IT IS! I believe that with all my heart…if a pastor of a church does not believe his church is the best church ever then he needs to either work hard to make it that way…or do God and that church a favor and resign.
Now I did not say we are the perfect church. From time to time we will have people drop by to try to find something wrong with our church…and it isn’t that hard. Our biggest problem is that I am the pastor! I promise we make mistakes every week. I promise we have done A LOT of stuff wrong. BUT…when we get it right—when God moves—when lives are changed…I will boast in the Lord, and you should as well.
For example:
I found out yesterday that we are the 80th fastest growing church in the United States…and I will boast in the Lord. (Here is the list)
We led the state of SC among SBC churches in baptisms…and we in the top 40 in the country last year…and I will boast in the Lord.
We had over 600 kids for our VBS type of activity for them this summer, 70 of them received Christ…and I will boast in the Lord.
Our band did a benefit concert and as a result we were able to pour over $20,000 into local missions…and I will boast in the Lord.
In our series “The Davinci Code” we had over 200 people come to Christ…and I will boast in the Lord.
On our youth trip to Panama City we baptized over 40 teenagers…and I will boast in the Lord.
I will boast…and will continue to boast. Now I understand that there are some people in this community that read this blog and you fire off e-mails telling us to be quiet about all that is going on here. Well, we won’t be silent…and my advice to you is…maybe you should spend more time focusing on your church instead of ours. AND…if you don’t like what I talk about on this blog…don’t read it! :-) It really is that simple. There are certain blogs I no longer read because of the material on them…I discovered that the definition of stupidity was continually doing things that made me mad!!! So I stopped it. Really—it’s ok!
(And let me ask an honest question here to those from other churches who are offended at the way we brag on God…if these things were happening at your church would you remain silent…or would you brag about what God is doing? Be honest!)
And to those here at NewSpring…I am on fire…I am more excited about our church and our vision than I ever have been…I will boast in the Lord. Lee and I will both be back this coming Wednesday for our “First Wednesday” service…and after talking with him I can honestly say that we are both about to explode with excitement and passion for Jesus and this church. Don’t miss this service!!! And don’t miss an opportunity to brag about all that GOD is doing!!! It’s not me…it’s not Lee…it’s not anyone other than God working through a group of people (ALL of us) who think He is big enough to do all the things He said He would do in His Word…I will boast in the Lord!!!