Pastor P

Are You A Church Leader Wrestling With God’s Faithfulness?

Sep 7, 2012

If you are a church planter/leader then there have been times in your life that you wondered why you do what you do, if you should quit, if you misheard God and/or whether or not the Lord is going to come through…

It doesn’t mean you are a bad person…it just confirms the fact that you are human.

If there is one lesson I’ve learned in the past 12 years of leading NewSpring Church it is that GOD IS FAITHFUL!!!  Philippians 1:6 is TRUE, He will complete what He begins…

Today I wanted to simply post an email that I found recently that I sent to our core team at the beginning of February 2000…we had NO IDEA that what was happening then would lead to what is happening now.  I can promise you this…whatever you have in mind, GOD’S PLANS ARE GREATER (John 14:12-14), HIS WAYS ARE HIGHER (Isaiah 55:8-13) and HE WILL BUILD HIS CHURCH (Matthew 16:18!)

Sent: Tuesday, February 1, 2000 10:08 AM

Subject: New Spring Update!
Someone asked me the other day how many people we were having on an
average Sunday—I thought that was a funny question considering we have
only had one average Sunday!  :-)  WOW!  This has been a crazy few
weeks—but God has blessed us despite the two ice storms.  We saw 60
people come two weeks ago on Sunday morning when we had no power—that is
a hunger for something!!!  Last Sunday there were 71 people there for the
AM service and the Sunday night service—well let’s just say I was afraid
we were going to run out of room.  I am pumped about this Sunday—I hope
you all will commit to praying for it just as hard as you did for the
first Sunday.

(By the way—I checked the weather channel—no ice storms are predicted
for this week!!!)

About this Sunday…a few of us realized that 8:30 is not early enough
to get everything done.  I know that we were able to knock it out the
first Sunday—but that is because some people met the night before and
did a lot of the work.  On Sunday morning we have to set out chairs, set
up a sound system, do a sound check, set up refreshments, go over the
program, set up the nursery, and most important—PRAY!!!  Needless to say
we need to have all of this done BEFORE 9:30!  At 9:30 we need to be
ready to meet people when they walk in.  Remember that excellence is one
of our core values and if we are running around trying to get last minute
stuff done—what does that communicate about how we feel about our

I said all of that to say this—we need to be @ New Spring by 8:00 on
Sunday mornings.  I know that is a sacrifice for some—trust me—it is
hard for me to get up in the mornings as well.  But this is a church and
we have all made a commitment to do whatever it takes—even if that means
giving up 30 minutes of sleep.  Look at it this way—30 minutes of sleep
is not much to give up when you consider what Jesus gave up for us.

When you pray for New Spring—please pray for our finances.  We are
doing pretty good; however, two weeks of ice storms did not do us very
well.  If you were unable to give then catch up this Sunday—that will be

Let me know if you have any questions or comments about anything that is
going on.  This is getting more and more exciting!!!  Try TO BRING