
16 Questions That Will Help Us Make It In Ministry - Part Nine

Jun 3, 2009

9. Do I Realize There Will Be Opposition?

In Matthew 10.16-18 Jesus is very clear that when preach the Gospel and lead under His direction we will face opposition.

I once heard a good friend that if you are not experiencing opposition from the devil, it probably means that you and him are walking in the same direction.

I was very surprised early on in my ministry at the opposition that I faced. I could not believe people would oppose what I clearly felt God had called me to do.  Until…I began to read the Gospels and understand that Jesus was opposed on numerous occasions and actually told people that if they were going to follow Him that they would experience the same.

The enemy loves to work through things like distraction and discouragement…and if you as a leader are called into ministry then these two things (distraction and discouragement) are major weapons in His arsenal.  We must strive to keep our eyes on Jesus and receive our encouragement from His word because the stakes are too high to give up just because some blogger doesn’t like what we are doing.

EVERYONE in the Scriptures who accomplished ANYTHING significant for the Kingdom was opposed…but it was their willingness to stay with the vision and not cave to opposition, that made the difference and changed the game for the Kingdom!