We all struggle with stress, anxiety and worry at some point in our lives. But what about when it gets to a point where you feel completely overwhelmed?
In Overwhelmed, Perry Noble talks about his own struggle with depression and what he learned through his battle with stress and anxiety. His personal stories and Biblical teaching show us that God’s presence is greater than our problems, and He will never leave us alone in our overwhelming circumstances. Perry provides honest scenarios and practical solutions anyone can use to win the war against worry.
This is a book that can help you learn more about the character of God and His ability to help you through these difficult times in your life. You CAN overcome being overwhelmed!
"More than twenty years ago, my life was a wreck. I was broke, broken, and bankrupt. I had lost everything except my family—and even that was hanging on by a thread. But every Sunday, we put on the happy face so no one would know what was going on. It wasn’t until we finally took the masks off and got real that we started to heal in the safety of community. In Overwhelmed, Perry Noble busts the “perfect Christian” myth and shows us that Jesus didn’t come to save perfect people; He came to save the messy people—people just like you and me."
Dave Ramsey, New York Times best-selling author and nationally syndicated radio show host
“If you’ve ever worried about your inability to stop worrying, this is the book for you. In Overwhelmed, my friend Perry Noble tackles the issue of worry head-on. You will laugh, you may cry, but you are guaranteed to walk away knowing how to allow what you believe about God to change what you believe about the circumstances around you.”
Andy Stanley, Senior Leader, North Point Ministries
“I have loved getting to know Perry and watch the growth of NewSpring Church over the past 14 years. Reading how Perry was able to overcome his depression in his book Overwhelmed is inspiring. He proves that you do not have to live in defeat and gives practical insight for ways to navigate through stress, anxiety and worry. I am delighted to recommend his book Overwhelmed to you. It is an incredible story of hope and the Lord’s faithfulness.”
John C. Maxwell, Best Selling Author and Speaker
"If you've ever looked at your schedule with a sense of dread and started feeling depression nipping at the edges of your soul, this book is a must read. Perry's vulnerability about his own struggles gave me permission to admit my own. His teaching from Biblical wisdom and personal experience gave me permission to slow down, catch my breath, and stop living the pace of the overwhelmed life.”
Lysa TerKeurst, New York Times best-selling author and president of Proverbs 31 Ministries
"At some point in each of our lives, we wage a battle with our mind. Our thought-life can rule and reign and ultimately change the course of our destiny if we aren't careful to 'take every thought captive to obedience with Christ'. My friend, Perry Noble, shares his honest struggle and ultimate victory over his battle with depression and anxiety; and I believe that because of his story, because of his relationship with Christ and because of the grace of God, you can see these principles bring freedom to every area of your life."
Brian Houston, Senior Pastor, Hillsong Church
"Responsibilities, circumstances, fatigue, guilt, and even debt can overwhelm you. What do you do when you're overwhelmed? My friend Perry Noble shares his story and practical insights from scripture to overcome what overwhelms you. If you're looking for answers to the everyday struggles of life, you'll find hope and help for difficult days reading Overwhelmed."
Rick Warren, Pastor, Saddleback Church