Your Church CAN Grow—And Can Help!

Mar 16, 2018
  • "The Church is in a crisis!"  
  • "Only 5% of churches are experiencing healthy growth!"  
  • "Millennials are leaving the church in record numbers!"  

These are three of the headlines I've seen just over the past couple of weeks...

...and if we listen to the noise we will be crippled by doubt, uncertainty and fear.


What seems to be true of many churches isn't true for all churches!  

Some churches ARE experiencing growth, seeing lives changed and impacting their communities in ways people could have never imagined.  

And your church can/should be one of those churches.  

However, I've discovered that growth doesn't happen by accident - there has to be a PLAN if we are going to see PROGRESS...

...which is why we do our one (or two) day private workshops at the Growth Company! 

I would love for you to come to Anderson (and bring up to five members of your team with you) and let's get in room, evaluate where you are and then put together a plan for your church to grow.  

Go here, click to schedule a call button and let's get started - your church CAN grow--and we would LOVE to help!