Leaders MUST learn to deal with frustration…or it will deal with them (and the results are NEVER pretty!)
One of the things I feel the Lord is doing IN me right now is teaching me HOW to deal with frustration…and in this process I believe the first step is to identify the things that frequently frustrate you…here are some of mine…
#1 - When I Do Not Get Enough Rest!
The Bible calls those who will not work lazy…and calls those who will not rest DISOBEDIENT! (I have always thought it funny that the commandment God spent the most time explaining in Exodus 20 is the one on REST!)
When I don’t get enough rest I underserve! I have a QUICK fuse! I do NOT allow James 1:19 to be true in my life! I just to illogical conclusions! I look for the QUICK answer rather than the right one—which leads to EVEN greater frustration down the road.
I personally believe that leaders could eliminate over 50% of their frustration by simply making the commitment to get more rest.
#2 - When I Try To Live Up To Everyone’s Expectations!
I hate disappointing people! I HATE saying “no!” BUT…when I agree to do EVERYTHING that comes my way then I am disagreeing with God’s call on my life to give HIM my absolute best.
I am learning that often times “no” is the word that needs to be said in order to live out Romans 12:1-2 in my life.
Leaders cannot allow themselves to be taken hostage by what others think about them…to do so is to immerse yourself in a sea of impossibility!
#3 - When I Do Not Disconnect!
There is SO MUCH NOISE in my life…radio, ipod, cell phones…the list goes on.
AND…one of the things I HATE about technology is how accessible it makes everything…and everyone, including me.
If God would have meant for us to always be accessible to ANYONE at ANYTIME He would not have came up with the idea of Sabbath…a day when we are only really accessible to HIM!
When I allow the noise of technology to trump the voice of God in my life…it always leads to frustration. Sometimes the godliest thing I/we can do is turn our cell phone off for an extended period of time…the world will survive without us!
#4 - Not Realizing That Zechariah 4:6 Is True!!!
So many times I will work myself into a frenzy thinking that ministry results are up to me (which is SO dangerous because it either always leads to pride or depression!)
God said it’s not up to me…but up to HIM!!! This means I am called to do my very best…and then know that HE is going to bring about HIS fruit in HIS time!!! (Ecclesiastes 3:11)