Why Did This Happen?
As I survey the overwhelming damage in our state caused by the massive flood I caught myself asking God "why?"
I know people say you are not supposed to do that!
I suppose if my faith were stronger I might not ask that question.
Often times people use the book of Job as a reason to not ask questions (which is a complete misrepresentation of the book of Job...God was not angry with Job because he asked questions, but because he positioned himself in a self righteous manner! Compare that with David– a man after God's own heart– who wrote most of the Psalms, which are FULL of questions to God! Psalm 42:9, Psalm 43:2, Psalm 44:23-24 are a few examples).
However, in my personal faith journey and my heart's desire to see hurting people healed I still wrestle with "why."
Have you ever been there and had questions such as...
Why did you let that person die?
Why did you let my parents suffer?
Why did my spouse leave me?
Why did I lose my job?
Why did I get sick?
Jesus Himself asked God "why" in Matthew 27:46!
In times of pain, uncertainty and doubt our go to is "why?"
In these times, there are three things to keep in mind...
#1 - Despite The Chaos, God Is In Complete Control!
I once heard a pastor I deeply respect say, "God is NOT an ambulance driver. He is not running around trying to respond to our problems."
Despite our situation, He is Sovereign.
You may be asking why He does things the way He does, or even why He chooses to allow bad things to happen.
While I don't know the exact answer to that question, what I do know is when I personally struggle with asking myself "how in the world can God bring good out of this?" all I need to do is look at the cross.
The cross is a reminder that even when things seem to be in complete chaos and disorder– and even when the pain seems to be at an unbearable level– God is still in control.
The enemy was using the cross to destroy, while God was using it to build up!!! And, only He can take tragedy and turn it into triumph!
I do not know why this disaster has happened in our state. So, for me, instead of asking "why" I am trying my best to focus on WHO! And, because I know He is in control I can rest in that... even when the world seems to be falling apart.
#2 - You May Never Get Your Questions Answered.
I still don't know why my mom died when I was 12.
I still wrestle with why God allowed my dad to have Alzheimer's and die a slow death.
My current struggle with God is why He won't just take my anxiety away, so I do not have to take meds.
And, in spite of all of this...I know I will NEVER know (this side of eternity) the answer to those questions.
God and His ways are mysterious. When we can fully explain God and all His ways, then He ceases to be God.
The goal of my walk with Jesus isn't for Him to answer all of my questions, but for me to become more like Him.
So, I can still ask "why," but know the goal is actually "who" I am becoming.
#3 - The Best Is Yet To Come!
I've had people label me as an optimist - which is not true. I'm just a guy who takes God at His Word!
Only God can take a blood stained cross and turn it into an empty tomb.
Only God can take a mess and turn it into a miracle.
I do not have an answer as to the pain any of us have had to walk through in life; however, as I look back I can see how God used all of it for good (Romans 8:28) and how what seemed overwhelming at the time was actually something He allowed me to overcome. (You have GOT to check out II Corinthians 4:16-18!!!)
I don't know why, out of all 50 states this tragedy fell on our state.
However, I do know what some people call an obstacle I see as an opportunity!
I do know our state will recover from this, and believe we will ultimately be in a better place for it.
And... I know that you will make it through what you are wrestling with right now!!
God is still writing your story, and while I am not sure what the specific details of that story is...if you are in Christ I do know the ending...and it's breathtaking.