What would you do for God if you knew you couldn’t fail?
What would you do for God if you knew you couldn't fail? That was the question that changed everything for me on August 10, 1999. I was eating lunch with a good friend and he asked me that question. I told him I would start a church and he told me I was chicken if I didn't do it.
I sit here years later getting ready to celebrate our 14th Christmas at NewSpring Church and I am reminded of God's faithfulness.
For the record, I didn't set out to pastor a "megachurch", heck, I didn't even know that was even a thing back then. But I did know there were a lot of broken people far from God and I felt like church should be the place for them.
Each step of leading NewSpring has been exciting and sometimes a little scary because it's required me to have HUGE faith; however, God has always been faithful!! He's brought leaders into to my life both on staff at NewSpring and around the world to help teach me and encourage me along this journey.
One of those leaders in my life has been John Maxwell. I heard him speak at a conference in 1996 and knew I needed to learn more from him. He poured into me through a series of monthly cassette tapes where his message encouraged me to grow as a leader and not give up on what God had called me to do.
Recently, I learned that I was nominated for the John C. Maxwell leadership award. I'm so honored and humbled to be considered for this award and again I'm reminded of the God's faithfulness. I'm letting you know so you can pray with me as the influence of the leadership of NewSpring Church continues to expand. I don't know what the Lord has next for NewSping Church in 2014, but I DO know it's going to be more than we could ever hope for or imagine. I'm SO thankful to get to be the pastor at NewSpring Church and I really do believe the BEST is yet to come!