
What An Amazing Day!

Dec 17, 2008

Today was an amazing day…

Our church has always been passionate about local missions…and today we were able to go into four local elementary schools (three in Anderson, one in Greenville) and give nearly every student a brand new pair of shoes for Christmas!!!

In addition to the shoes some kids received a jacket…and others received bookbags full of school supplies.

I literally fought back the tears and I witnessed staff and volunteers putting shoes on the kids feet…and kids grinning from ear to ear with excitement.

I told a staff member as we were leaving one of the schools, “This is how you change the world…you reach people at this level.  These kids will never forget that a church in their own community loved them enough to come in and give them shoes and a jacket.”

NewSpring Church…you can rejoice that today, through your generous giving, we were able to place shoes on the feet of over 1,500 children…many of whom were wearing shoes that were at least two or three sizes too small!

Yes, we ARE going to go overseas and do mission work…and I am pumped about it; however, we will NEVER become the church that is willing to send checks overseas but ignore the need in their own community.

God has called us to shine a light…and I believe we should shine the brightest in the community in which we exist.

I believe seeds of salvation were planted today!  No, we didn’t witness to the kids…we didn’t make them take an oath to come to our church…we simply put shoes on their feet.  BUT…by doing so I am POSITIVE that lives will be changed…and God will get the glory for it all!

Thanks again NewSpring for your incredible generosity…it made a difference today!!!