Three Things To Keep In Mind For This Coming Sunday At NewSpring
#1 – It is going to be THE BEST SERIES we’ve ever done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some have accused me of “hyping” everything we do. My response is always the same, “It’s only hype if you don’t believe it!” I am not operating out of hype, I’m operating out of HOPE!!!
Besides, if the tomb is empty, Jesus is Lord and nothing is impossible then why in the world should we wish for lesser things when God has promised He is able to do more than we could imagine!!!
(And if you haven't seen the movie trailer for "At the Movies" yet, I HIGHLY recommend watching it!)
#2 – Around 25% of un-churched people have said that they would go to a church THIS Sunday if they were simply invited by a friend.
Found people find people…let’s do this!!!
#3 – Huey Lewis and the News is ALWAYS a great way to open a service!!! :-)