
The Who, What, Where, When, Why & How of Church Leadership (and life!!!)

Jul 29, 2008

Here are six questions that we should all wrestle through as leaders…

#1 - The Who

As in “WHO are you going to please?” One of the things that is so disheartening about politics is that neither candidate seems to be speaking from conviction..but rather from talking points that “experts” have walked them through in order to please the largest amount of people.

The same thing goes in the church. We have the choice…to be a politician or a pastor. If God has called us…then we should do whatever it takes to please Him! Remember Hebrews 13:7…we aren’t standing before a deacon board in heaven…we should not quake before them here on earth!

#2 - The What

What are you supposed to be doing? Not…what are the coolest churches in America doing? We all all called to do ministry in a unique way. Yes, we should be students of other churches…but the “what” will only be answered as we allow God to shape our souls! Be who God called you to be! It takes different types of churches to reach different types of people!

#3 - The Where

It is VERY important to like the area in which God has called you to minister and the people He has called you to minister to! I’ve met so many pastors who claim they hate their church and the area in which they are living. I don’t understand that…true and effective ministry comes out of a sincere love for the people to whom God has called us to minister to.

#4 - The When

I heard John Maxwell say once, “If you stay a step ahead of the people then you are a leader. If you stay ten steps ahead then you are a martyr!” Just because you have a neat idea doesn’t mean it is a now idea! For example…I knew God wanted me to start a church in 1996…but we didn’t launch until 2000. God had to slowly cook that vision inside of me. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says He makes all things beautiful IN HIS TIME!

#5 - The Why

Why do we do what we are doing? Are our motives pure? Are we in this to build God’s kingdom or our own? Our motives must always be pure if we are going to see effective ministry!

#6 - The How

Vision is not just a good buzz word…it is essential for any organization (yes, even the church) to thrive! Do a study on successful churches and you will find that their styles are very different…their theological convictions are not exactly the same…however, you will see in everyone of them a leader who has passionate, white hot vision and has always been willing to submit on areas of personal preference…but never on issues of vision!